Rail Transport in the Kennedy Estate

From Lewis' Server Wiki
Revision as of 16:18, 8 September 2023 by Megalomart (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Rail transport in the Kennedy Estate is the most extensive in the world with almost every area of significance within the estate having a railway station. == History == == Ownership == All lines and stations with the exception of Benderton station are operated by the royal corporation, Estate Railway Company Limited. == Lines == === Western Main Line === # '''Meerloch''' # Last Respite Village # deadbush_hills|Deadbush...")
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Rail transport in the Kennedy Estate is the most extensive in the world with almost every area of significance within the estate having a railway station.



All lines and stations with the exception of Benderton station are operated by the royal corporation, Estate Railway Company Limited.


Western Main Line

  1. Meerloch
  2. Last Respite Village
  3. Deadbush Hills (Tumbleweed)
  4. Deadbush Hills
  5. End Portal
  6. Great Southern Ocean
  7. New Portsmouth
  8. Boidheach Cross
  9. Muirgate Junction
  10. Benderton

Northern Line

  1. Benderton
  2. Kennedy Farm House
  3. Svetski
  4. Ice Farm
  5. Eighgarg
  6. Bellvue Swamp
  7. Rinkberby

Rinkerby & City Line

  1. Rinkerby
  2. Frithwaite Strand
  3. Firth of Cuan Mòr
  4. Bleeding Shard
  5. Manor Downs
  6. Kennedy Island (Private station)
  7. Northside
  8. Upper
  9. New Portsmouth

Planned Lines & Expansions

Northern Line Expansion

Greatistan Direct Link

Spawn Link