New Portsmouth

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New Portsmouth is the capital of the Kennedy Estate.

New Portsmouth
A view towards the heart of the city from Riverside District
InhabitantsMegalomart, OswaldRoysters, BawsInn
Location-15539, 65, -10675
Started29th July 2022
World download
Allegiance Kennedy Estate

Transport[edit | edit source]

The capital is very well connected with 3 nether highway stops on the Kennedy Line within Greater New Portsmouth and 5 railway stations.

  • New Portsmouth -- Origin of the Rinkerby & City line and major stop on the Western Main Line
  • Upper -- Sits on the Rinkerby & City Line providing services to upper New Portsmouth
  • Kennedy Island -- Private station for access to Kennedy Manor
  • Northside -- Sits on the Rinkerby & City Line
  • Boidheach Cross -- Sits at the far west of the city on the Western Main Line, serving both the Industrial District and Boidheach Mains