Nether Highway

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The nether highway is a network of ice roads in the server. It is the primary mode of long distance transport on the server.

A map of all highways, bypasses and branch routes that sit at the North West of spawn.

NOTE: On the 9th of September 2023, Megalomart conducted a full survey of the Nether Highway system and uploaded his findings to his GitHub account. This should be used to query specific stops as it is the most up to date and listing every stop would cause this article to be unduly long.

The nether highway is by far the fastest method of long-distance travel on the server with average speeds of 144 km/h going up to as high as 260 km/h on some major routes. As one block in the nether is equal to 8 in the overworld this means that when using the highway network to transit between two points in the overworld one can achieve speeds in the range of 1152 km/h to 2080 km/h

A view of the Nether Hub from below, taken in Jan 2023.

Trunk Roads

Trunk roads are the primary routes in the network. They tend to be the longest roads in the network and serve to funnel players between major settlements and into branch routes.

The most well known trunk lines are the cardinal lines which run for thousands of blocks in each cardinal direction.

Northern Highway

The Northern Highway is one of the most used lines. It connects to the Kennedy Line via a junction at Mushroom Island, it then continues on finally terminating at St. Andrews via the perilous South Island Stretch.

Southern Highway

Eastern Highway

The Eastern Highway is the longest stretch of highway ending at over 60,000 blocks in the overworld. It is the only highway to contain a section of the route on the nether roof. Due to this one must change at the slime farm around, 2,000 block out in the overworld, before one can continue the journey further out.

The initial 2,000 overworld blocks of highway was constructed by Megalomart with the rest being consutrcted by Pimenov_I in order to connect to his 60k base.

Western Highway

Kennedy Line

The Kennedy line is a private highway maintained by Megalomart for the purpose of connecting the Kennedy Estate. It is the second oldest highway with the stretch to New Portsmouth constructed within weeks of the server's launch by Pimenov_I.

The highway is 3 blocks wide on the stretch from Deadbush Hills to New Portsmouth, this was done to allow for overtaking as collisions became an issue after a boom in the New Portsmouth population in 2023. This makes the Kennedy Line the only nether highway line to have a road larger than 2 blocks in width.


  1. Meerloch
  2. Deadbush Hills
  3. End Portal
  4. Great Southern Ocean
  5. New Portsmouth, Kennedy Island. Connections to Western Highway Bypass
  6. New Portsmouth (Industrial District)
  7. Muirgate
  8. Kennedy Farm House
  9. Eighgarg

Branch Routes & Bypasses

Western Highway Bypass

The Western Highway Bypass was built by Megalomart in order to facilitate trade between himself and K1wiKrusher by connecting the Kennedy Line and the Western Highway directly without having to change lines at spawn. It is estimated this reduced journey time by around 30%, even when accounting for using /warp to get to spawn.

Auld MacLeod House Branch Route

This is a long branch route that connects to Big_Floppa17's old house.

Forest Hill Road

Forest Hill Road is a single stop branch road that connects to a dark forest biome. It is accessable via the Northern Highway @ -14 100 -799.

Manor Road

Manor road is a branch road than runs through Perkins Ruin to Woodland Manor. It is accessible via the Northern Highway @ -15 99 -500 or via Desert Road through an uniced staircase.

Desert Road

Desert Road is a branch road connecting to a desert village. It is acessable via the Western Highway @ -860, 101, -501 or via an uniced staircase at the end of Manor Road.